(408) 582-2121

Appointments & Fees

Marriage counseling appointment in San JoseScheduling a Therapy Session is Easy

Please call to discuss appointment scheduling. I see clients in my office Tuesday through Thursday and my appointment times are very flexible. My hourly rate is $235 per session and a session lasts 50 minutes. I accept payment by cash, check, Discover, Mastercard, Visa and American Express, and require at least 24 hours notice for change or cancellation of appointments. I am no longer accepting most insurance, but if you would like to use your insurance and it is a PPO, I will provide you with a statement that can be used to request reimbursement. I look forward to working with you!

Below are answers to common questions regarding Therapy Sessions and Fees.

Do you take my insurance?

I backed away from taking most insurance over the years for a number of reasons.  The decision primarily had to do with most insurance companies not completely covering costs and causing a great deal of frustration, both for myself and for my clients.

If you have a PPO, then you can go to anyone in or out of network.  For people who have a PPO plan, I will provide them with a receipt for services that has all the necessary information necessary to submit directly to their insurance plan (aka a superbill).   That way, the insurance will reimburse you directly in accordance with your particular plan.

How often do I/we need to go?
Sessions are normally 1x/week. I usually discourage anything less. Less than once per week is less effective in my experience and does not work well for scheduling. I’ve only rarely seen someone 2x/week.

When it makes sense clinically, often as we near termination, sessions can be spaced less frequently.

How many visits?
The question many ask that really can’t be answered with a number. It really is about each person’s goals. I do my best to be effective and expedient. And there’s no obligation or necessary commitment on your part. I usually explore with clients in the first meeting what goals they are seeking to meet and then try to be as concrete as possible about how we will know when we’ve reached those goals.  My goal is to help you meet your goals and to top seeing you as soon as possible!

That being said, since you’re insisting . . . I’ve seen people for as little as one to three visits and others for years.   You are unique I’m sure. I can’t pretend to give you an accurate number, especially without knowing you yet, but sight unseen a safe bet would be three to ten visits at least.

How long are meetings?
Sessions last for approximately 50 min.
What’s your earliest/latest appointment time? Lunch hour appointments?

The best way to answer is to give you my appointment schedule. Note that any meeting is by appointment only and times may vary:

Mon.:  9am,10, 11 . . . 2:30pm, 3:30, 4:30.

Tue. and Thurs.: 9am, 10, 11 . . . 2:30pm, 3:30, 5,6,7.

Wed: 5:30pm, 6:30, 7:30.

Sorry, no lunch hours unless it’s 11 or 2:30.

Call me at

(408) 582-2121


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